Mockaroo Review: Powerful, Realistic Fake Data Generator With Over 150 Types Of Possible Values To Generate


2 min read

Why We Need Fake Data

We are all aware of the importance of data. The issue is that we frequently lack (enough of) it. We must test data apps or pipelines using data similar to what will be observed in production. Manually generating realistic datasets of adequate amount and variety is tough (e.g., different data types, characteristics). Furthermore, data that is generated by hand is subject to our unconscious and systemic biases. This article describes a method for generating large amounts of realistic test data quickly and reliably. The technique is based on the use of Mockaroo, which are generating real products or systems data in terms of their functional requirements and constraints, as well as their structural components.

The Benefits of Mockaroo

150+ possible types of value to generate. Service allows creating realistic data with characters, people data, common animal names, app names, locations, personal data, etc. Mock APIs - Routes Mimic your real API, including URL, path variables, query string, and entity body. Map request parameters to your schema then generate dynamic data, simulate errors, or simply return static data. Several possible variants of output (CSV, JSON, Tab-Delimited. SQL, Cassandra CQL, Firebase, InfluxDB, Custom, Excel, XML, DBUnitXML) Up to 1,000 rows per file in free plan (almost pretty enough for all small apps) and up to 10m lines per file in gold subscription or even unlimited data in enterprise

How to generate test data in Mockaroo

  1. Open
  2. Add/Remove fields what you need to use
  3. Select number of rows
  4. Select type of output file
  5. Download file
  6. Use generated data anywhere you need


Creating fake data for your application is not rocket science, but it can be a challenge if you want to have realistic tests of your application. As far Mockaroo is not only powerful, but also, it is fast to generate valid data for your application. I am sure you will see the improvements in your tests and will create more effective apps!

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