how to make color conditional formatting by rule for dropdown list in the google spreadsheet?


1 min read

Today I show you how to make color formatting by rule for in-cell dropdown list in the google spreadsheet. Need specific color formatting by rule for the in-cell dropdown list? Do not worry I have a short video on how to get it.

Text instruction:

  1. Go to the
  2. Open existing or create a new spreadsheet with an in-cell dropdown list (video how to create it is here -
  3. Select the cell or cells which planned to use for applying color formatting.
  4. Click Format and then Conditional Formatting.
  5. Select "Text contains" in the Format cells if.. dropdown
  6. Enter value which is used for applying color formatting (item1 in our case)
  7. Select the color 7.1 Add other rules for additional values if needed and then click done
  8. Conditional formatting is applied to the selected cell now and you can expand cell to other cells if you need
  9. Voilà, now you alike IT guy :)

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